Amrut Bagheera Indian Whiskey 750ml

Produced from 99% unpeated malted barley and 1% peated malted barley, this Amrut, whose name means black panther in Hindi, was finished in a sherry cask. Besides inevitably bringing us wonderful bookish memories from our childhood, its palette of aromas and flavours is abundantly natural and generous. In this way, notes of peat and smoke happily cause mischief throughout a tasting that gladly marries fresh fruits and other drier fruits.

Availability: 1 Available
SKU: 96953
Manufacturer part number: MB1957096953
GTIN: 836202000902
decrease increase
Products specifications
Proof 92
Country India
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Amrut
Products specifications
Proof 92
Country India
Bottle Size 750ml
Producer Amrut